Altar Pottery

Altar Pottery is a progressive ceramics studio based in Toxteth, Liverpool. The workshop provides a dynamic learning and practice environment for ceramics enthusiasts of all levels, from the absolute beginner to the more seasoned practitioner. We are equipped with state of the art facilities, modern learning aids as well as a professional staff periodically joined by volunteers and visiting lecturers.

Alongside facilitating workshops and team building events, our skilled artisans also design and produce a range of bespoke and branded corporate gift ware.

Our products are tailored to conscious and forward-thinking businesses, who recognise the value and importance of hand crafted branding.

We understand the subtle nuances of how people connect with their favourite cup or bowl, and how these objects can elevate one’s experience of daily rituals. Our creations are made in small batches, with each piece crafted individually, imbuing them with a unique story through their idiosyncrasies, features, marks and glaze effects.

Our goal is to create beautiful, useful and timeless pieces that showcase your brand’s story through materiality, through touch and through daily rituals.

John Archer Hall,
68 Upper Hill Street,
L8 1YR