Purple Paw Store

K9 Fitness and the Purple Paw store have your dog exercise needs covered!

At the Chichester pet shop, we stock 100% natural dried dog treats and chews, freeze dried & frozen raw dog food, dog sports gear, dog toys, dog coats, Pawprints Jewellery and lots more.

If you are looking to do canicross, bikejor, scooterjor or sledding, or just want to walk you dog hands free, we can fit your dog with harnesses and bungee lines and fit you with a hip belt. We stock ZeroDC dog sports equipment. If you’d like to get started, we also give advice on how to get going in these exciting sports.

Pop into the Purple Paw Store pet shop Chichester for advice. For more information, please visit our website.

70a Stockbridge Road,
PO19 8QJ